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Dear River Oaks Homeowner Association Member,

All Members were mailed the official Special Meeting notice for the meeting to be held this Thursday, October 26, 2023. This meeting will serve one purpose only‐ to officially count the ballots for and against the proposal to restrict short‐term rentals under 30 days and no more than three (3) rentals in a calendar year. This proposal was requested by the Members and only with 75% approval of all Members, will this proposal become binding on all members. All are encouraged to attend to cast their vote. 

In other matters, we would like to provide an update on the Lake Maintenance programs. As Members who reside on Lake Oakwood have noticed, there is a remarkable improvement on the algae situation, with a virtual elimination of all floating algae. The improvement was made by adoption of a non‐copper treatment and the use of a different lake management vendor, Aquagenix. While there is much work to complete, we feel that we are on the right track. During the next week, we expect the aeration system in Lake Oakwood to be fully restored and operational. As more aeration improvements are allowed, the belief is that the algae problem will require less management.

Directing attention to Lake Sharwood, the previous lake management company has continued to service this lake, advocating only their copper‐based treatments. On a physical walkthrough last week, there was no noticeable improvement by such vendor, even after the vendor was aware that both lakes were on a 90-day trial period. Therefore, the Board is preparing to extent the services of Aquagenix to include both Lake Oakwood and Lake Sharwood. This will also eliminate the use of copper in any River Oaks lakes. As part of the lake management program, there will be emphasis on addressing the overgrown grasses on the lake edges.  Efforts are underway to address the fountains and aeration in Lake Sharwood as well. 

Finally, as of November 1, 2023, the River Oaks Homeowner’s Association Board was forced to switch to another property management company, as the current property management company decided that they could not continue without demanding another fee increase to $10 per house, per month. This would have amounted to over $20,000 per year. Paramount Management of Naples has been retained to replace Tropical Isles. Please note that this is Paramount Management of Naples and not the former Paramont Management. 

In the coming days, the Board will be finalizing plans for a Budget Meeting held within the Annual Meeting. With the change in Management, we are looking for either the last week in November (after Thanksgiving) or the first week of December, to allow the new management company to become fully invested in our records. We will update the Membership as the date and venue are finalized. 

                                                                                                Terry Wayland, President

                                                                                                Faith Siwiec, Secretary

                                                                                                Tony Ruberto, Treasurer

HOA Proposed Amendment

We need your help! See attached PDF.

Many members have expressed dissatisfaction with the issues caused by short-term rentals like Airbnb and VRBO tenants. Therefore, in response to the membership's request, the Board has engaged legal counsel to propose a modification that limits rentals to a maximum of three occurrences per year, with a minimum duration of 30 days.


Attached PDF

Thank you for your recent proxy supporting the restriction on Short-Term Rentals here in River Oaks Homeowners Association community. Recently, after receiving your proxy, a Member has elected to launch his own campaign to oppose the current proposal, which was drafted at the members request. While it is important for all Members to make their own choice, the campaign by Mr. Thebeau is filled with disinformation. In the spirit of full disclosure, the Board has authorized the release of the attached letter to all Members that was prepared by the Association's legal counsel. While there is nothing for you to do at this time, it is important that the correct information is distributed to the membership. If you have any questions, please feel free to email It is the Board's desire that an educated decision is made based on facts.

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©2022 by River Oaks Homeowner's Association and Board of Directors.

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